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17025 Laboratory Accreditation Consultancy

17025 Laboratory Accreditation Consultancy

17025 Laboratory Accreditation Consultancy is carried out according to the standards of the adequacy of calibration and test laboratories and the relevant national accreditation institution. The purpose of using the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard as a single international standard is to provide laboratories with the same level of competitive balance. The test reports and calibration certificates to be issued by laboratories working in accordance with the standard are internationally recognized. It will not need to be retested in the countries of export.

17025 Laboratory Accreditation Consultancy starts with the meeting to be held with the top management of the organizations that want to be accredited. With the meeting, the organization´s ISO 17025 test activities and their relations with the activities are defined. The relations between the organization and the peripheral units are defined and the resource management required for laboratory accreditation is calculated.

In the consultancy service, the subjects and methods in accordance with the ISO 17025 standard are ed. In addition, it is planned to establish and manage a quality management system within the framework of the standard. The documents and procedures required for the application of TURKAK, which is the accreditation institution in our country, are as follows:

• Preparation of application documents according to the accreditation institution,
• Transferring accreditation application documents to the system,
• TURKAK file review and acceptance process,
• TURKAK audit date determination process,
• Corrective action initiation, completion,
• Transfer of activities to the system.

During the application process, all inspection procedures are carried out by TURKAK.

17025 What are the Accreditation Requirements?

In order to have the 17025 standard, laboratories must meet certain conditions. Providing the necessary information for the adequacy of the test and calibration laboratories is essential for accreditation. Ensuring the qualifications will play a role in bringing the methods to be applied by the laboratory to international validity.

The main system followed with the organizations in the consultancy process is as follows:

•  Offer,
•  Request,
• Contract signing,
• Current situation assessment,
• Work program and structuring,
• TS EN ISO 17025 Basic Training,
• Preparation of documentation,
• 17025 Internal audit trainings,
• Internal audit structure,
• YGG Process,
• Audit,
• Correction and retransmission of nonconformities.

In the 17025 Laboratory Accreditation, calibration and test laboratory trainings are first transferred to the institutions. Accreditation applications are prepared as a result of the determined activity and system definitions. As a result of the necessary internal audits and meetings, the quality management system is reviewed and internal documentation trainings are given to the personnel.

17025 Laboratory Accreditation Acquisition Stages

• Referenced standards,
• Terms and definitions,
• General Conditions (Impartiality, Confidentiality)
• Structural Conditions
• Welding Conditions,

o General
o Staff,
o Facility,
o Environmental Conditions,
o Equipment,
o Metric Traceability,
o Providing Outsourced Products/Services,

• Process Requirement,
• Test and Calibration Management,
• Technical Record,
• Measurement uncertainty audit and evaluation,
• Result evaluation,
• Result reporting,
• Data Control,
• Data Management,
•    Management system,

o Documentation,
o Risks,
o Opportunities,
o Internal Audits,
o Management Review.

17025 Laboratory Accreditation Benefits

With the implementation of the internationally valid standard and accreditation, organizations provide the following benefits.

• Validity of test reports at national and international level,
• Products for which test reports are given by accredited laboratories are more preferred for export,
• Establishing prestige and commercial superiority of accredited laboratories over other laboratories,
• Increasing the trust and knowledge of the customers towards the laboratory,
• Promotion of the accredited laboratory in the light of the guide prepared by the accreditation institution,
• It is seen that it operates the quality system in the accredited laboratory and can produce sufficient and valid technical results,
• Provides cooperation, knowledge and experience sharing in subcontractor laboratory ion, comparison between laboratories and participation in international proficiency testing activities.

Who Can Get 17025 Laboratory Accreditation?

All organizations providing testing and calibration services have the authority to obtain 17025 Laboratory Accreditation. It covers organizations that provide first-party, second-party, third-party laboratory, inspection and product documentation services. In other words, First-party lab (Manufacturer´s Labs), second-party lab (customer labs), third-party lab (independent labs) accredited