Founded in 2010 by the Dutch Sustainable Business Initiative, ASC stands for Fisheries Management Council. It is also an organization with global activities. This organization is planned to program the certification and labeling of the world´s leading aquatic products. ASC´s primary responsibility and responsibility is to establish and provide global authoritative guidance for responsible agriculture. Other purposes include; Behaviors such as aquaculture, seafood sellers and catering companies, scientists, cooperation within the scope of conservation and individually, supporting shellfish characteristics in fish products with labels, encouraging the best ecological and social choice when purchasing seafood, promoting sustainable maritime markets. is located.
More generally, ASC is an independent, non-profit international organization that aims to obtain the world´s leading certification for all types of fish and shellfish products. ASC has since established its own system of systems for developing, operating, maintaining, reviewing and changing seafood standards. By obtaining the ASC certificate, any private or public company operating in this field can show whether its parameters are suitable or not.
As Aşan Danışmanlık, we offer affordable prices for this document you need. You can immediately call our numbers in the region to get started with our expert consultants.
Why is ASC Certificate Necessary?
Fish as food is an ideal diet for our growing planet. It is a high protein, low fat, healthy and productive food. Therefore, the population around the world is increasing in demand and consumption of fish. However, although three-quarters of the world is covered with water, our world´s fish stocks are not endless and traditional fishing methods cannot meet this demand. Sustainable practices may have been achieved despite supply limits for marine fisheries. In this case, aquaculture emerges as a suitable solution. Such practices can meet the pressure on game fisheries and global demand.
ASC Certificate
Aquatic products, whose importance and necessity have increased in recent years, are the fastest growing food production system in the world, and more than half of the fish consumed worldwide consists of aquatic products. However, the rapid increase in demand for farmed fish brings its own strengths. If aquaculture is not managed well, it can have a number of negative consequences, such as poor site management, water policy, distribution of local ecosystems and poor working conditions. The faster the aquaculture industry grows, the greater the potential impact on the environment and local communities. ASC promotes better managed fish products by providing a sustainable solution to these negative impacts. It enables the increasing demand to be met more easily while minimizing negative changes and social impacts. It also issues a valid ASC certificate, which provides a variety of standards and laws to companies that meet the requirements.
What are the Benefits of ASC Certification?
By obtaining ASC certification, an aquaculture company can gain many advantages and cover many products. We can list the benefits of ASC certification as follows:
1. With ASC, every company fulfills the legal regulations regarding the environment, health, safety and many other areas.
2. To ensure the protection of water.
3. It prevents the health of animals from being endangered and various incidents from occurring. Because companies that have succeeded in obtaining the ASC certificate offer many standard products, they minimize unnecessary chemical or drug treatment such as antibiotics.
4. Food, care products, etc. Warranty is given for harmful use on animals such as.
5. Promotes the protection of the natural environment, marine ecosystem and biodiversity.
6. One of the greatest contributions of the ASC document to nature and its values is undoubtedly the protection of species, namely the protection of degradation.
7. ASC standards also allow it to participate in many social responsibility activities.
8. A company with an ASC certificate is one step ahead of its competitors in the market and has the opportunity to enter new markets.
How to Get ASC Certificate?
ASC Certificate is obtained only from organizations that have certification authority and the necessary accreditation in the relevant field. Organizations wishing to obtain certification can receive assistance from companies that provide training, consultancy and certification services regarding the preparation, registration and registration of the requirements of ASC standards. Because the ASC sector requires specific knowledge and experience.