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CE Certificate in Building Materials

Building material is an area that requires CE Certification as a very broad category. If you are a company that continues production in this direction, you can ask for help from our certification company. We help with quality document standard applications to obtain CE Certificate of Construction Materials. We fulfill the legal procedures within the scope of building material categories specific to your manufacturing company. We find a special solution for your company according to the building material classifications for the Ce Certificate, which you will find many benefits.

As Aşan Danışmanlık, we are at your service for this document you need. You can reach our company from the phone numbers on the website you are viewing.

Building Materials CE Certificate Benefits

When a CE Certificate is created in accordance with the procedures and principles required within the scope of construction materials, you can start EU sales. We are preparing a CE Certificate specific to building materials for companies that want to sell in the EU and plan to prepare a legal basis to take a better place in the sector.

• Other companies using your products will worry less about testing and equipment safety. You will obtain full procedural compliance by successfully passing the CE Certificate tests, especially for the building material safety, which has increased even more recently.
• Companies that want to produce building materials safely are obliged to obtain the CE Certificate. According to the product category, we provide optimization within the scope of EU No. 305/2011/ regulations.

Your company, which has successfully passed the technical regulations, will meet the expectations to take an important place in the sector. You will have made an important breakthrough in building materials in terms of environment and safety. By completing one of the most basic requirements while producing, you give the opportunity to transfer the quality product to other people.

In order to benefit from the best prices, you can reach us at the numbers on the site. We are as close to you as a single phone call. Access Aşan Danışmanlık now.

What Products Does the Construction Materials Regulation Cover?

Construction Materials Regulation is an up-to-date regulation since it was created within the scope of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. The highlights of the covered products will be listed as follows:
• Metal parts
• Concrete, carrier systems
• Building-specific adhesive materials
• Insulation products
• Building components, windows, doors, etc. like
• Gypsum materials
• Building chimney equipment
• Products that must be earthquake resistant
• Cement products
• Building waste water products
• Product mounting materials
• Pipe, glass materials
• Mountable prefabricated materials
• Road materials
• Fire extinguishing materials for building security
• Cladding, interior wall and roof coverings
• Electric power cables

What is CE Certificate?

Many products have started to be produced since the moment humankind passed from a consuming creature class to a creature class that both consumes and produces. Especially in the last two centuries we live in, chemical products have increased so much that it can be said that it has become a necessity to inspect these products and to identify those that harm human health. Knowing whether chemicals or products produced from chemicals meet certain standards regarding human health is one of the topics that many consumers want to learn. CE marking regulation is also a regulation for these or similar targets. CE Mark; the product on which it is placed; It is a sign used to show that it meets certain conditions or standards related to human health, human safety and environmental protection.
This sign is a regulation related to the inspection of some products circulating within the European Economic Area (EEA) or requested to enter as a result of exports to this area. If a product is not in the risky product group, the manufacturer can place the CE mark on this product itself. However, if the product in question is in the risky product group, the manufacturer must apply to the authorized certification bodies in order to place a CE mark on this product.
As a result of the tests or examinations made with the application of the manufacturer, if it is evaluated that the product in question meets the requirements for CE Marking, a certificate is issued by the authorized institution. This document is called CE Certificate. CE mark; French, which means "European Conformity", can be defined with the words "Conformité Européenne", but there are some who state that it is not defined in this way in the relevant legislation. The CE Mark can be specified as the manufacturer´s warranty statement or, in a sense, as a pass-through document for this product to be easily navigated in the EEA. This mark is not a quality certificate, that is, it does not indicate the quality of the product it is on.

Placement of CE Mark on Products

We can explain the situations related to the placement of the CE Mark on the products with the following two items;
• If a product is not in the risky product group; the manufacturer can specify the conformity of this product with the essential requirements. In this case, the manufacturer does not need to apply to a certification or testing agency. The important thing here; the producer does not engage in a fraudulent or illegal practice and is aware of the possibility of sanctions if found. In other words, if it is thought that a product does not meet the required standards regarding CE Mark; the consumer has the right to complain about the company producing this product to the relevant places.
• If the product is in the risky product group; Compliance of this product with the essential requirements must be examined and approved by an authorized institution. Depending on the risk level of the product, an organization authorized by the relevant ministry can approve the CE marking by performing the necessary tests. In short, the duty of a manufacturer who wants to place CE Mark on a product in the risky product group is to apply to the authorized certification body and to fulfill the requirements requested from him. Then, it is to obtain the CE Certificate that shows that the product is suitable to carry the CE mark and place this mark in a suitable place on the product.

Building Materials CE Certificate

As stated in the Building Materials Regulation dated 10 July 2013 and numbered 28703 published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization; Regarding CE marking, the provisions of the "CE" marking Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 23/2/2012 and numbered 28213 are also applied to building materials. In the same regulation, in another article related to the CE certificate of building materials;
• In order to put CE marking on the construction material, it is compulsory to prepare a declaration of performance in accordance with Articles 6 and 8; If a declaration of performance has not been issued by the manufacturer, CE Mark cannot be placed on the building material. By affixing or ensuring that the CE marking is affixed, the manufacturer undertakes the responsibility of the declared performance of the construction material as well as the compliance with the national legislation harmonizing the European Union legislation in this Regulation and on marking. The procedures and principles regarding the affixing of the CE mark and the other relevant European Union legislation included in the national legislation are applied provided that they do not violate the conditions specified in this paragraph.
The following issue is written in the eleventh article of the same regulation;
• CE mark is attached directly on the building material or on the label in a visible, legible and permanent way. If this is not possible due to the nature of the material, it is attached to the packaging of the material or attached documents.
• The manufacturer prepares a declaration of performance according to Articles 6 and 8 and affixes the CE marking in accordance with Articles 10 and 11. The manufacturer draws up the technical file containing all the elements required by the system of evaluation and verification of constancy of performance as the basis for the declaration of performance.                                  • The manufacturer keeps the technical file and the declaration of performance for ten years from the date the construction material is placed on the market. In case this period is changed by the Commission, the Ministry announces this issue and ensures its implementation.

A company that produces building materials; In order to place the CE Mark on its products, it may apply to a certification body, taking into account the issues specified in the regulation above. As a result of the examinations or tests to be made, it can obtain the CE Certificate for its products and place the CE mark on its products.
Another regulation that should be taken into consideration regarding building materials is the European Parliament regulation no. 305/2011. This regulation is also referred to as 305/2011/EU. In this regulation, 4 systems related to CE certification of building materials are specified. Manufacturers can get detailed information about the subject by contacting a certification body.
The basic requirements of the directive set out general objectives for construction work with regard to health and safety:
* Mechanical strength and balance,
* Fire safety,
* Hygiene, health and environment,
* Usage safety,
* Protection from noise,
* Energy saving and heat retention.
The Construction Materials Directive has been prepared in order to remove trade barriers created by technical specifications and to ensure the free movement of construction products within the borders of the European Union. With this directive, uniform evaluation methods have been established for the performance of building products in the European Economic Area. These methods are used by government agencies, architects, engineers, and contractors when describing the performance of products, presenting products to consumers, and ing products suitable for their use in construction work. The declaration of performance or the declaration of conformity with the European Union is a prerequisite for affixing the CE marking on the product. In order to make a declaration of performance, the manufacturer must rely on an authorized laboratory report or an agency report approved by a third party. By signing the declaration of performance, the manufacturer is responsible for the performance of the entire production.

In cases where it is mandatory for the products to bear the CE mark, the following must also be present in addition to this mark:
* Manufacturer´s name or trademark,
* Where necessary, the last two digits of the year in which the CE marking was affixed,
* Number of the EC certificate of conformity,
* Identification number of the notified body that has been in the production control process,
* Information about the features of the product specified in the technical specifications.
The manufacturer may adapt the CE marking on the product based on the Construction Products Directive or other directives. For example, CE marking for low voltage cables may be based on the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive. Initial inspection, continuous surveillance, type tests and inspection tests are among the duties of the notified body, while factory product controls, type tests for certain product levels and declaration of performance are among the duties of the manufacturer.
Certification of Conformity
SYSTEM 1 & 1+ Level Products; Initial type test of the material; initial inspection of the factory and FUK; the continued surveillance of the FUK; testing of the samples taken.
SYSTEM 2 & 2+ Level Products; certification of the FUK; Continuing oversight, evaluation and validation of the FUC.
SYSTEM 3 Level Products; Initial type test of material (by approved laboratory).
SYSTEM 4 Level Products; Notified body is not required, all duties rest with the manufacturer.
Decisions from the European Commission describe the mandatory procedures to be followed in conformity assessment for each product or product group. A manufacturer can produce a construction material in accordance with harmonized European or accepted national standards and then follows the conformity assessment procedure established for that product.
Conformity Assessment Procedures
* First type test of the product by the approved institution or manufacturer,
* Testing of samples taken from the factory according to the test plan specified in advance by the notified body or manufacturer,
* Inspection-testing of samples taken from the factory, marketed products or construction site by the approved institution or manufacturer.
* Testing of samples taken from a sent lot or kept ready to be sent by the notified body or manufacturer,
* Ensuring Factory Production Control by the manufacturer,
* Initial inspection of factory and factory production control by the notified body;
* Continuous surveillance, inspection and questioning of factory production control by an approved agency.
"As the ASAN Certification Body, we also provide services on the Construction Materials CE Certificate process. You can contact us to benefit from this service and to have detailed information."
 How is Ce Certificate given to Building Materials?

Construction Material CE Certificate is given according to the category that defines the product and its intended use. For whatever purpose and benefit it will be used, it aims to make it suitable according to the regulation. If a certificate is to be obtained for the insulation material, it will be necessary to provide energy efficiency and heat saving according to the desired materials. What the product is during test controls is the most important determinant.

• Needs in a particular product category may include other products. It can contain sound insulation wall materials, concretes, insulation products together. More detailed applications for building material CE Certification can be found in our company issuing the quality certificate. We are dealing with specific product titles and within the scope of your company´s expectations.
• If the products you need to use in building materials are in the risk category, they must pass the tests for conformity. By testing these products, it will be adjusted specifically for your company within the scope of the regulation. The product classification in each company may vary.
• We take action taking into account the mandatory performance declaration regulation. Without this procedure, a building material cannot be CE Marked. Once you are eligible for the CE mark, it will need to be placed on the product or in the visible part of its label.

The manufacturer company is obliged to renew the technical file regulations when necessary. The time to reorganize should be after 10 years. During this time, there must be storage in the right place.

You can also reach Aşan Danışmanlık customer representatives via INSTAGRAM for any questions you may have.

Construction Material Ce Certificate Prices

Pricing for building material CE Certificate can be changed by updating. Regulation types may be one or more depending on the situation. When you want to prepare more than one regulation file, you can take advantage of our additional discounts in addition to the Construction Materials CE Certificate.

Turkey´s leading company Aşan Danışmanlık is at your service, do not decide without consulting us and without asking us for a price.

CE Certification Consulting