We have been serving our valued customers by providing various internationally valid certifications for many years. Certification is important to ensure that your business life is successful and healthy, that your company´s products are of high quality and reliable, and most importantly, that they are harmless to human health. One of these certifications is our chemical and industrial sector certification service. Today, many companies in the chemical and industrial sectors, regardless of whether they are large or small, come to us and apply to get the documents they need. We carry out the entire process with great care, starting from the application, with our expert staff and experience. In this way, we contribute to our valued customers successfully obtaining the relevant document they need.
Aşan Danışmanlık, the leading company in the sector, is just a phone call away. You can get the best prices in this area by calling our numbers on our website immediately.
As a company, we provide the necessary training and consultancy services in the process of obtaining relevant documents in the industry and chemical sectors. Starting from the necessary information before the application, each stage is carried out with great care. Care is taken to ensure that the process is carried out successfully by making necessary checks and corrections from time to time. In this way, it is ensured that all stages are completed in the best way possible and brought to a successful conclusion.
We receive many questions about the certificates we provide for the industrial and chemical sectors. Generally, questions arise such as which certificates are issued and what these certificates cover. Almost all of our customers who call us or ask for information by e-mail choose us to receive this service. We meet the demands of all our customers by managing the applications that increase day by day in the best way possible. You can contact us to get detailed information about the questions and issues you have in mind regarding this matter.
Our customers who apply to our company generally come for certificates related to the chemical products they produce. There are some certificates that must be obtained in order to do business both in our country and in Europe. We can talk about the MSDS document as an example. A material safety data form is filled in to record the risks, hazards, precautions to be taken and technical information of the chemical substance. You can contact us to go through all these processes in the best possible way.
Within the scope of the regulation on the registration, evaluation, permission and restriction of chemical products, companies that manufacture or import 1 ton or more annually are required to have KKDIK registration (Registration, Evaluation, Permission and Restriction of Chemicals). With this record, the environment and human health are tried to be protected at the highest level. At this stage, we ensure the conformity of the products produced or imported. In this context, the processes from production to use are carried out in the best possible way and kept under control.
In addition to the registration we mentioned, if there is an export to European countries, a REACH certificate must be obtained. It is important to meet the necessary conditions to obtain this document. As a company, we carry out all the necessary steps with great care, step by step. We do not make decisions for this and similar chemical and industry sector certification processes without consulting with us. You can be sure that you will receive the highest quality and most affordable certification process on the market from us. We assist you, valued operators, with our expert staff in the fields of chemistry and industry.
For more information, please call the Aşan Consultancy numbers on our website. Our company, which receives services from various companies from Turkey and the world, offers its services to you successfully with its expert consultants. For details, you can call us or write to us on our INSTAGRAM account.