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DISNEY FAMA Consulting

What is Disney FAMA?

Disney FAMA is the name of the authorization for companies producing Walt Disney branded products to be approved suppliers. FAMA (Facility and Merchandise Authorization) plays a critical role in Disney´s responsible supply chain management policies. Because, any supplier without Disney FAMA authorization cannot produce products and services for the Walt Disney company. The competence of supplier companies to be subcontractors is ensured by Disney FAMA audits. These audits are carried out by independent accredited organizations approved by Disney. Audit criteria are set based on Disney´s International Labor Standards (ILS) Program principles. It is aimed to achieve the same Disney quality all over the world, thanks to the supplier code of conduct prepared in accordance with the contracts of the International Labor Organization.

Scope of Disney FAMA Audits

Walt Disney, one of the world´s largest entertainment and media companies, purchases products and services from many different parts of the world thanks to its wide supply network. Working with many suppliers in its long and wide supply chain, Disney cooperates only with approved companies in order not to compromise on product quality and reliability. Suppliers authorized under Disney FAMA can be accredited after passing social compliance audits. As a result of these audits, called ILS audits, businesses can get FAMA approval and become an official Disney supplier.

In this process, known as ILS audits or Disney FAMA audits, suppliers are examined and questioned on these issues:

Child labor: No Disney supplier may employ anyone under the age of 15 or under 14 where required by local law. The requirements of international standards, agreements and conventions in this regard; also the provisions of local labor laws must be followed.

Forced labor: Suppliers seeking Disney FAMA authorization may not use forced labor under any circumstances. This includes employing convicts in prisons, employer-employee agreements whose employment contract cannot be terminated unilaterally, employing employees in return for debt, etc.

Harassment and threats: Employers are obliged to treat employees with respect and treat them with dignity.

Discrimination: Employees should not be discriminated against in any way. It is not allowed to discriminate among employees in matters such as salary payment, recruitment, promotion, dismissal, retirement, fringe benefits, working hours, etc.

Collective bargaining: The right of workers to join trade s and activities should be recognized. Employees must be able to sign a collective agreement with the employer.

Health and safety: A suitable and sufficient working environment should be created for employees in terms of health and safety, taking into account local labor laws and international standards.

Remuneration and working hours: Employees cannot be paid less than the minimum wage. Regular overtime, overtime and other due wages of each employee must be paid on the day. In workplaces with Disney FAMA approval, the weekly working time is a maximum of 48 hours. The regular and overtime hours of the employees cannot be exceeded.

Environment: Supplier companies must implement an accurate environmental management policy within the framework of international environmental standards and local labor laws.

Compliance with laws: Employees must comply with all relevant laws and regulations in their business processes, operations and business activities.

Subcontractors: Approved suppliers with a Disney FAMA authorization may not work with another subcontractor without the express consent of Walt Disney.

Compliance with the rules and audits: FAMA audits will be organized for suppliers through individuals and institutions authorized by Disney. Document checks, interviews with employees, visits to the production line, examination of records, etc. can be done during audits.

The Walt Disney company officially recognizes some social compliance audit methodologies in its supplier accreditation processes. Some of these are those:

* SA 8000 International Social Responsibility Standard
* Better Work Program
* FLA (Fair Workers Association)
* Amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative)
* RBA (Responsible Cooperation)
* WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Manufacturing)
* ICTI (International Council of Toy Industries) Ethical Toy Program
* SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)
* FJATA (Fashion Jewelry and Accessories Trade Association)

You can get information about Disney FAMA audits, accreditation process, supplier code of conduct and other issues from Aşan Consulting.