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Ecotex Certificate

In recent years, we have seen that some sensitivities have arisen regarding human health both in our country and around the world, and many studies have been carried out on this subject. The results obtained as a result of such studies appear in almost every field. Particularly in the textile field, which directly affects human health, standards such as the Ekoteks certificate have been introduced and efforts have been made to ensure the necessary sensitivity in this regard. It is guaranteed that products with this certificate do not contain any content that poses a risk to human health. With this internationally valid document, it is guaranteed that the products are sensitive to human health and do not contain any chemicals, etc. Having this document is of great importance for the textile industry. There is an increasing sensitivity, especially among end users, regarding the preferability of products with this certificate. Therefore, you can contact us to be prepared on this issue and to document your sensitivity. You can get the document you need as soon as possible with our experts and use it for your products with peace of mind.

As Aşan Danışmanlık, we are proud to serve you in the textile field with our leading consultants. It is important to start with a good company in certification activities. By getting support from our corporate company, you can choose one of these good companies.

Ekoteks Certificate is given to textile products that do not contain materials that pose a danger to human health. The requirements for the Ecotex Certificate, which is of critical importance for the sustainability of the textile industry, are determined by the OEKO-TEX organization. OEKO-TEX, which started its activities in 1992, currently operates in many countries around the world. Therefore, we can say that Ekoteks labeled products are internationally recognized. All products sold with the Ekoteks Certificate have a direct impact on the purchasing habits of consumers and the corporate policies of companies.

There are sub-standards determined for the Ekotex certificate developed by the OEKO-TEX organization. These standards and their scopes are as follows:

• Ekoteks Made in Green: It is given for textile products that are produced in accordance with social responsibility and sustainability rules and have been tested and approved as not containing harmful components.
• Ekoteks Standard 100: Verifies that there are no harmful substances in any of the ingredients.
• Ekoteks Leather Standard: It is given for finished or semi-finished leather products that need to be processed and do not contain harmful substances.
• Ekoteks Step: is given for textile products produced under sustainable conditions.
• Ekoteks Detox to Zero: Covers the wastewater and chemical management policies of companies in the textile and leather industry.
• Ekoteks Eco Passport: Verifies the suitability of colourants, chemicals and other substances used for the textile and leather industry for the environment and human health.

It is healthier and easier for people with Ekoteks certification in their businesses to reach target audiences by launching their products both at home and abroad. There is a rapidly increasing demand for products produced especially considering the increasing sensitivities regarding human health in recent years. This makes obtaining the Ekoteks certificate one of the most important steps that can be taken to increase competitiveness in the developing and changing product market.

As in every sector, institutionalization and providing a reliable brand image is very important in the textile sector. Since it is a sector that directly affects human health, it is important to be very careful and act within this framework. At the same time, it is necessary to document and declare this situation. Ekoteks certificate is one of the certificates that best reveals this situation. Companies that hold this certificate certify that they have a brand and understanding that is more respected, reliable, strong in the market and fulfills both human and legal responsibilities.
You can apply to our company without wasting time to obtain an Ekoteks certificate for your business and to systematize your production in this way. In order to meet your needs, we provide expert support and ensure that it is completed as soon as possible. To get the necessary information and support, you can call us or come to our company directly for a meeting.

You can reach Aşan Danışmanlık, which is known among the leading certification bodies, concentrates its services in this field and offers its services to you, from the number on the site. We come with our consultants all over Turkey and offer you the best services. For more, please contact our customer representatives via our live support line or DM from our INSTAGRAM account.