You can get information, support and instant offers regarding GHP Certificate by reaching our Aşan Danışmanlık company, call us and we will provide you with professional services in a short time! The tea we live in has embraced various innovations in recent years and has been effective in the formation of new sectors. The food sector has existed for many years and will continue to do so. The increasing population increases food production accordingly. As a result, it would not be wrong to say that the supply network in the food sector has expanded. This intensity seen in the food sector has caused many risks to emerge. Food safety has become important and some joint studies have started to be carried out worldwide.
As a result of these studies, certain standards, quality management and rules have been created and developed. The GHP certificate has been put forward for the food sector and is a very important type of certificate. The purpose of the certificate is to protect human health and provide reliable service. For this, businesses that want to provide service in the food sector must fully fulfill the hygiene rules determined. Applications must be made to the relevant institutions to have the certificate. The GHP certificate will thus be presented to the companies deemed appropriate.
Articles Included in the GHP Document
Good hygiene practice standards are both valid in our country and an internationally accepted system. Businesses determine their food safety management systems with the standard. Thus, the standard provides guidance on monitoring and evaluating the necessary applications. The GHP document contains some articles. These articles are guiding for businesses.
Personnel hygiene is the first among the articles. Personnel are expected to comply with the cleaning rules determined in areas such as hand washing, clothing, beard, hair. Another article is food storage. Food storage and preservation should be carried out within the framework of hygienic rules. Cleaning and disinfection procedures should be carried out according to the rule. In other words, the cleaning of the equipment and areas used by businesses should be done according to the determined standards. Hygiene rules should be observed in the entire process followed from beginning to end during the food production phase.
One of the important articles in the GHP document is business hygiene. Cleaning standards should be maintained and necessary precautions should be taken for protection at all times. Training is an important article expected from businesses. Each of the personnel should know and apply the GHP standards well. Businesses with the GHP certificate master the necessary standards from production to the last stage. This situation offers businesses multiple advantages.
GHP Certificate Certification
With the certificate training, businesses are made ready for GHP standards. The rules and hygiene conditions in the standards are understood with the training and the business is made ready to provide quality and reliable service. If we evaluate the situation as a customer; Cleanliness is the most important factor in a food business. Because no one prefers to use products that will endanger human health. Here, companies with the GHP certificate prove that they provide quality and reliable service by gaining the trust of their customers.
The GHP training provided covers issues such as personnel hygiene, storage, cleaning, disinfection, production, and business hygiene. In other words, these trainings have an important place for business employees to apply cleaning rules correctly and ensure food safety. You can get professional support in the GHP certification process by receiving consultancy service. What you need to do is quite simple... You can reach the details by calling us immediately via our contact number.
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