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ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems Certificate

ISO 10012 is a standard that defines a number of requirements for measuring processes and measuring equipment. It provides guidance for the metrological verification of measurement equipment used and the management of measurement processes to support and demonstrate compliance with metrological requirements. The ISO 10012 standard is not used for certification; but it guides organizations to meet the requirements of many management system standards. The ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems standard can be considered as part of the overall management system. It can be used by organizations that carry out measurements in their activities. It specifies the quality management requirements of the measurement management system established to ensure that metrological requirements are met. For more detailed information about ISO 10012, you can contact Aşan Danışmanlık.

Scope of ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems

An effective measurement management system ensures that measurement equipment and measurement processes are suitable for their intended use. This system is of great importance in achieving product quality targets and in managing the risk of incorrect measurement results. The purpose of the measurement management system is to prevent measurement equipment and measurement processes from causing organizations to produce false outputs that affect product quality. The methods used for the ISO 10012 Measurement Management System cover a wide range from basic equipment verification to the application of statistical techniques in measurement process control. The concept of the measurement process specified in the standard; It applies to physical measurement activities such as design, testing, production, inspection.

ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems can be referenced by the following stakeholders of the companies.

* Customers specifying the requirements for the products they demand to produce
* Suppliers that present their products to buyers
* Legislative or regulatory bodies
* Organizations involved in the evaluation and supervision of measurement management systems

One of the management principles specified in the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard is the process-oriented approach. Measurement processes should be considered as specific processes aimed at supporting the quality of products manufactured by the organization. ISO 10012 describes the requirements for the implementation of measurement management systems; It also contains guidelines. In this context, it benefits organizations in improving their measurement activities and the quality of products. Organizations have the responsibility to regulate the level of controls needed and determine the measurement management system requirements to be applied as part of their overall management system.

We can list the items of the ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems standard as follows:

      1 Scope
      2 Normative references
      3 Terms and definitions
      4 General requirements
      5 Management responsibility
          5.1 Metrological function
          5.2 Customer focus
          5.3 Quality objectives
          5.4 Management review
      6 Resource management
          6.1 Human resources
          6.2 Information resources
          6.3 Material resources
          6.4 External suppliers
      7 Performing metrological verification and measurement operations
          7.1 Metrological approval
          7.2 Measurement process
          7.3 Measurement uncertainty and traceability
      8 Measurement management system analysis and improvement
          8.1 General
          8.2 Audit and monitoring
          8.3 Control of nonconformities
          8.4 Improvement
      Appendix A Overview of the metrological approval process
          A.1 Introduction
          A.2 Customer´s metrological requirements (CMR)
          A.3 Measuring equipment metrological characteristics (MEMC)
          A.4 Verification and metrological verification

Who Can Use ISO 10012?

ISO 10012 can be used by the following organizations:

* All users of quality management standards and other management systems that require measurement to prove the conformity of their products and services and/or legal, environmental or workforce compliance
* Users of specific quality management, automotive industry, aerospace industry standards that recommend implementation or require compliance with the standard
* Organizations that manufacture, repair, maintain and test measuring devices within the scope of regulations regarding the legal metrological control of measuring devices
* Accredited and non-accredited calibration laboratories that want to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of metrology systems
* Inspection and test organizations

Companies that want to learn the scope of ISO 10012 and use it actively in their activities can get more detailed information from Aşan Danışmanlık.


ISO Certification