ISO 14298 is an international standard developed for organizations that want to establish a management system for secure printing / printing operations. The "ISO 14298 Graphic technology - Management of secure printing processes" standard, first published in 2013 and revised in 2021, is aimed at companies that produce valuable documents where security and privacy are of great importance. ISO 14298, which explains the security criteria in the production of documents such as letters of guarantee, banknotes, checks, diplomas, identity cards, aims to protect the interests of customers and the public. Organizations can make the production of valuable documents safe and reliable by establishing ISO 14298 Graphics Technology and Secure Printing Process Management System. The standard describes the design, installation, execution, inspection, and improvement processes for a secure print management system. In this way, it is ensured that valuable documents are prepared in accordance with legal regulations and released to the market. In this way, attempts to forge documents can be prevented. You can get support from Aşan Consulting on all issues related to ISO 14298 Graphics Technology and Secure Printing Process Management System.
ISO 14298 Certificate can be given to government agencies, central banks and non-governmental organizations. This document is obtained from independent third party accredited certification bodies. Firms applying the standard can apply for documents by contacting these institutions. After the application stage, a certification contract is signed with the certification body. Then, the process continues with the preparation of the documents requested by the certification body.
In the certification process, inspections are carried out both on documents and on-site visits. In order for the process to be completed successfully and for the ISO 14298 certificate to be obtained, the audit stages must be concluded positively.
It is recommended that organizations wishing to obtain a certificate receive a consultancy service during this process. This service makes the certification process much faster and easier. In addition, it ensures that the organizations that will apply for the certificate understand what deficiencies they have in terms of compliance with the standard. Consulting firms professionally plan the ISO 14298 certification process in all aspects and support organizations from the beginning to the end of the process.
ISO 14298 has been prepared with a similar concept to ISO´s other management system standards. Explaining the context of the organization and the Graphic Technology Management System requirements, the standard consists of items such as leadership, planning, operational control, resource management, performance evaluation and continuous improvement. Basic management system principles such as process approach and documented information etc. are used.
The ISO 14298 Graphics Technology Management System standard aims to protect the security of customers using valuable documents. In order to meet the emerging security requirements in this context, it defines the duties and responsibilities of employees at all levels, starting from the top management within the organization. With this standard, printing / printing businesses can make the documents they produce safe against forgery and alteration. In this way, it can be ensured that the products, processes, information, production tools, security features and supply chain related to valuable documents are protected. Security breaches and threats that arise regarding these processes and elements can be brought under control. Organizations can integrate the security principles and procedures stipulated by the ISO 14298 Graphics Technology Management System into the corporate security policies of the company.
ISO 14298 Graphics Technology Management System Certificate
Valuable document production is an extremely delicate process. Security-related procedures, practices and sanctions directly affect the production of these documents. The security risks that arise in the process of placing these documents on the market and using them by users must be controlled and necessary quality requirements must be met. Firms that perform secure printing and organizations that produce valuable documents can obtain ISO 14298 Graphics Technology Management System Certificate if they verify the security and quality requirements of the printing processes in accordance with this standard. ISO 14298 Certificate is given as a result of the examinations and audits carried out by independent accredited certification bodies. Aşan Danışmanlık can offer special training and consultancy services to organizations that want to obtain ISO 14298 Graphics Technology Management System Certificate.