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ISO 22483 Tourism and Related Services - Hotels - Service Requirements

ISO 22483 is an international standard that sets quality requirements for hotel services within the tourism industry. Many issues such as personnel competency, entertainment activities, safety requirements, service delivery, cleaning and hygiene details, supply chain management, etc. are covered in the standard. ISO 22483 was published in 2020 and hotels that meet the requirements of the "ISO 22483:2020 Tourism and related services - Hotels - Service requirements" standard can obtain ISO 22483 certificate. Aşan Danışmanlık provides training and consultancy services to tourism businesses that want to obtain ISO 22483 certificate. You can get support from Aşan Danışmanlık in many processes such as complying with the standard and verifying compliance, applying to accredited certification bodies, documentation and auditing.

Any of these products manufactured from generally used standards. Those designed to be bred to be bred to grow, to be in these upgrade standards. One of the important organizations that the standards applied in relation to standards and standardization should be planned is the International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization - ISO). There is a standard published by ISO. ISO 22483 Standard is one of the standards published by ISO.

ISO 22483 Standard; It is prepared by the technical committee called ISO/TC 228 with Turizm in April 2020. In addition, this standard; It can also be referred to as ISO 22483 Tourism and Related Services - Hotels - Service Requirements Standard or ISO 22483:2020 Tourism and Related Services - Hotels - Requirements Standard. The design of this standard, from the expression "Tourism and services - Hotels" in the name of this standard; is to provide a reference for all purpose and reference for quality service delivery. In addition, this system includes different types of systems, existing categorization systems, business/business models,

ISO is a worldwide federation of implementations of national standards (making use of ISO members). In other words, it is in a position that can be called the roof of international standard facilities. It; any feedback questions regarding the design of this standard applications to the national standard using users of this standard. In other words, those who use the future of this standard in medicine should direct their questions or feedback to the Turkish Standards (TSE), a member of ISO, with this design.

Scope of Documents of ISO 22483 Standard

The ISO 22483 Standard can be grown to be grown by a grower to grow a meticulously (satisfying) lead. For the regulation of this standard; determines the quality of personal, service, activities, activities, safety and security, maintenance, procurement, management and forecasting (related to satisfaction). These requirements are; It may be performed by you, transmitted by internal controls and submitted by a subordinate.

Important Titles in the ISO 22483 Standard Document

Documents of ISO 22483 Standard consist of 29 pages. At the beginning of the document, an introduction and a few basic issues are mentioned. Then, the terms and definitions used in and within the terms are mentioned. While giving a few examples of these terms and definitions; lists the terms and definitions of accommodation services, a la carte (à la carte), buffet, courtesy services, entertainment, events and Hazard Critical Control Points (HACCP). After these titles and the basis of food;

• Personnel vehicles,
• Service vehicles, • Event Safety
• Entertainment activities, • maintenance activities, • Maintenance vehicles,
• Cleaning, cleaning,
• Supply management,
• Information and feeding fee (collection) about the guest (guest),
is a guest.

Trainings Related to ISO 22483 Standard

Trainings for children are provided both by TSE and by private private companies with standards. These trainings may converge according to the relevant standard and the training company in terms of training duration. Some trainings can be delivered in 1 day, while some trainings can be transferred in 3 days. ISO 22483 is a newly published standard TSE´s program "There will be no training on the 2020 construction Standard ISO 2 Standard". What kind of a preparation plan is it; TSE has the right to communicate about the training and certificate program in question. That is, a new addition or subtraction to it.

TSE´s official site can be submitted to inform about this issue. If a company is going to take or will take the ISO 22483 Standard, if it takes a role in the standard, a person who receives information about the standard on this subject will take an important step towards a standard related to a person who does not agree with the standard on this subject.

Considerations for Obtaining ISO 22483 Standard Certificate or Certificate

Certification/certification processes are carried out by authorized institutions. In addition, consultancy can be obtained from the consultancy service during the preparation phase of these development/certification processes. It is the body concerned with planning/planning for certification/certification for a standard. It is a need to be prepared for these purposes and to be used to exploit markets. Because if the next one will be made without being designed, the next one will be designed for days or months. This can happen from time to time too. An institution that wants to develop one of those promoters can evaluate the consultancy issue and offer services in this regard.

Firms or organizations that want to obtain the certificate/certificate of the ISO 22483 Standard should find the authorized company on this subject and apply/contract to start the certification process. Three stages of certification can be followed;

• Initial review review: To review documentation, review review and review the standard´s assessment, • Revise the documentation for the non-reviewable 2483 Standard
review and development and evaluation of controls,
• Documentation phase: Evaluation of previous targets and preparation of the document after reviewing any corrections made.
In addition, to receive training services on the services of institutions/companies related to certification services.

Other Matters Related to ISO 22483 Standard

They can be in the documentation of a standard today, when users are both in working condition and positive. In other words, applications for the implementation of a standard can also benefit from those for this use and audits can be made. In this way, there can be a positive development in his prestige, both in the end and in his reputation. Having the certificate/certificate of that higher standard is an element both for companies and for consumers who prefer which company.

It is one of the companies that comes to mind the most when it comes to tourism company. Hotels can check both nationally and internationally when purchasing the ISO 22483 Standard. In addition, they can provide a more regular and supervised work with this standard practice. In the design of this standard; These are the programs used to benefit from sauna/spam training from personal areas. At the same time, the subject of feedback/feedback, which is one of the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to consumers, is also included in the design of the ISO 22483 Standard.

ISO 22483 is an international quality standard developed for hotel services and covers the quality management of all services offered in hotels. The purpose of the standard is to ensure that tourism facilities provide a satisfying experience to their guests. The ISO 22483 standard sets out a general framework for providing quality and safe accommodation services expected by tourists on a global scale. With the standard, a common reference is created for the quality service management system of hotels in accordance with international criteria. ISO 22483 describes criteria, principles, procedures and recommendations for hotel staff, services, cleanliness and hygiene, facility maintenance, safety and security, events, leisure activities, guest satisfaction and supply management.

The requirements in the standard apply to all services provided by budget hotels, luxury hotels, resorts, hostels, airlines and railways. In ISO 22483;

* different hotel concepts in the world,
* existing classification systems,
* business models in the tourism sector that are being developed,
* the content and scope of the services offered,
* current demands of guests,
* international travel and accommodation fashion trends are taken into account.

How to Get ISO 22483 Certificate?

We can summarize the certification process for organizations that want to obtain ISO 22483 certification as follows:

* Establishment of ISO 22483 hotel services quality management system
* Certification body research, cost analysis and creation of certification plan
* Establishment of the documentation system; compilation of information and documents. Some of the documents that should be prepared in accordance with ISO 22483 are: System guide and posture, policy and objectives, mission and vision, standard operating procedures, quality control list, forms related to personnel and service scope, quality system records, etc. The scope of the documents to be prepared for the ISO 22483 Certificate may vary depending on factors such as the type and size of the organization, the level of complexity of the services, the products and services offered, personnel adequacy, etc.
* Conducting internal audits and eliminating detected nonconformities
* Inspection of the facility through the independent auditors of the certification body
* Creation and implementation of corrective & preventive action plans for nonconformities identified in audits
* Issuance of ISO 22483 certificate
* Conducting annual surveillance audits

Benefits of ISO 22483 Certificate

Some of the important benefits of ISO 22483 certification to tourism businesses are as follows:

* Improves cleanliness, hygiene and food safety, which are the most critical elements in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has recently affected the entire tourism sector.
* Helps reduce resource wastage by hotel staff and guests, thus reducing costs.
* Increases the safety of guests, staff and businesses.
* Helps hotels develop more sustainable business practices.
* Improves the whole process from the reservation stage to the guests´ check-out.
* Increases the number of reservations and facility revenues.
* Provides better organization of events for guests.
* Helps to improve facilities and amenities provided to guests.
* It helps to provide structured and planned entertainment activities for guests.
* Increases guest satisfaction level.
* It helps to reduce all kinds of risks and accidents in the hotel.
* Increases the corporate reputation of hotels.


ISO Certification