ISO 26000 is an international standard that guides organizations on how corporate social responsibility management should be done. Explains the concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility and explains the background and features of this subject. It talks about the social responsibility principles that institutions should have and the practices that should be carried out. It also explains the creation of corporate social responsibility policies and their integration into policies, plans and targets prepared on other issues. ISO 26000, an inclusive standard, guides organizations in identifying the stakeholders of corporate social responsibility practices and regulating the relations to be established with them. ISO 26000, whose main purpose is to contribute to corporate sustainability and sustainable development, is of great importance for every business, regardless of its sector and size.
The ISO 26000 corporate social responsibility management standard includes many issues such as the environment, human rights, business ethics, and responsible business practices. The full implementation of this standard requires certain expertise, knowledge and institutional capacity. For this reason, it is recommended that organizations apply this standard more accurately, consistently and transparently by obtaining corporate social responsibility consultancy services. Aşan Consulting provides ISO 26000 consultancy to every organization regardless of sector, size, location, product or service range. In order to understand the standard correctly and to apply it in accordance with its purpose, you can contact Aşan Danışmanlık; You can make a difference in the market by maintaining corporate social responsibility policies in the best way.
ISO 26000 Scope
The standard consists of the following main items:
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Understanding social responsibility: The history of the concept of social responsibility, current trends in this field, etc. are explained. In addition, the prominent features of this concept and the role of governments in social responsibility are mentioned.
4 Principles of social responsibility: Principles such as transparency, ethical behavior, rule of law, respect for human rights, etc. are explained. In addition, issues such as observing stakeholder interests and respecting international social responsibility standards and regulations are discussed.
5 Recognizing social responsibility and involving stakeholders
6 Guidance on the main issues of social responsibility: Human rights related to social responsibility, environment, ethical business practices, consumer issues, participation of local people, corporate governance etc. are explained.
7 Guidance on integrating social responsibility across an organization: It covers topics such as how organizations can correctly understand and implement social responsibility policies and communicate quickly and easily among their stakeholders. In this regard, the issues of increasing reliability and applying social responsibility to the entire organization are evaluated. Under this heading, voluntary initiatives are mentioned and how the organization´s actions and practices will be developed.
Companies that want to know more about the standard can contact Aşan Danışmanlık.
Advantages of ISO 26000 Consulting Service
Corporate social responsibility is an awareness that every company should have in today´s business world where sustainability is increasingly important. This concept, which refers to many environmental, financial and social issues, has a critical importance in terms of corporate sustainability. We can list some of the advantages that organizations that implement this standard will gain as follows:
* Increasing corporate reputation and gaining competitive advantage in the market against competitors
* To encourage stakeholders such as customers, employees, investors, suppliers, sponsors, etc. on corporate social responsibility and to establish sustainable relations with them
* Increasing the motivation of the employees and the loyalty of the customers to the brand
* To establish more effective relations with other companies, public institutions, non-governmental organizations, professional chambers, etc.
* Ability to more easily adapt to international standards, laws and regulations developed on issues such as environment, human rights, fair business practices, responsible purchasing, etc.
Organizations that receive ISO 26000 consultancy service from Aşan Danışmanlık can obtain these advantages and much more. Our corporate social responsibility management experts prepare the consultancy program your company needs in the most accurate, practical and efficient way and support you throughout the process. You can contact us for more detailed information and solution suggestions about ISO 26000 consultancy.