ISO 50001
ISO 50001 Energy Management System provides the creation of an energy management system in the light of standards determined by energy experts, energy savings, reduction of energy costs and the creation of processes and systems to increase environmental awareness. Access to energy becomes more costly and more harmful to the environment, leading to the formation of energy management systems.
Energy Management Systems help organizations of all sizes to manage their energy use sustainably. Thanks to the energy management system;
What are the Benefits of ISO 50001 Energy Management System?
In order to reduce the increasing costs, organizations implement energy saving measures and save energy costs with the investments made. However, when these measures are not incorporated into normal business activities, energy costs fluctuate again and are out of control.
It is also seen that when a continuous improvement is systematically made through the Energy Management System, energy performance improvements are sustainable and costs tend to decrease over time.
If we look at the main benefits of ISO 50001 Energy Management System;
onscious decision-making processes,
? Reduced uncertainty is observed as future energy use is better understood.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System provides indirect benefits such as positive publicity, improved corporate image, operational efficiency and maintenance practices.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System Processing Plan
Energy Management means that an institution or organization constantly improves its energy performance and systematically pays attention to the sustainability of this improvement. It is important that institutions or organizations constantly pay attention to these cycles such as action planning, implementation of actions and result control.
For continuous improvement;
In other words, the Deming cycle is shown as the systematic approach based on energy management. While the ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard is applying the energy management system within the institution or organization, the work to be done regarding the implementation process is determined under 6 main headings. These;
1. Management Responsibility
a. Senior management
b. management representative
2. Energy Policy
3. Energy Planning
a. Legal Terms
b. Energy Review
c. Energy Reference Line
D. Energy Performance Indicators
to. Energy Targets, Goals and Action Plans
4. Application and Operation
a. Competence, education and awareness
b. Contact documentation
c. Control of the business
D. Design
to. Energy services, equipment and energy supply
5. Checking
a. Monitoring, measurement and analysis
b. Evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements
c. Internal audit of EnYS
D. Nonconformities, correction, corrective and preventive action
to. Control of records
6. Management Review
a. Management review inputs
b. Management review outputs
In Which Industries Can ISO 50001 Energy Management System Be Applied?
The energy standard applies to both large and small organizations regardless of geographical, cultural or social conditions. ISO 50001 is shaped in accordance with all other industry management system standards. Thus, it is possible to integrate ISO 50001 Energy Management system into existing management systems.
Why Is ISO 50001 Energy Management System Important?
The ISO 50001 Energy Management System standard is shown as one of the few management systems that offer measurable cost savings to businesses. This standard, which increases the transparency of your business, also reveals energy consumption throughout the supply chain and regulates best practices in energy management. The ISO 50001 standard improves energy efficiency, systematic improvement of consumption and brand reputation. For more detailed information about ISO 50001 and for certification training, you should contact Aşan Consultancy.
How to Get ISO 50001 Certificate?
ISO 50001 Energy Management System is a standard that provides certification to organizations through compliance verification, just like ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 standards. Businesses that meet ISO 50001 requirements can obtain ISO 50001 Certificate by applying to accredited certification bodies and passing through the certification process. We can summarize the steps to be taken in this process as follows:
* Establishing an Energy Management System in accordance with the rules, procedures and principles described in ISO 50001
* Preparation of necessary documents for Energy Management System Certificate
* Making certificate applications to accredited certification bodies
* Providing information and documents requested by the certification body
* Establishment of a certification plan upon completion of the preliminary review
* Preparation of an audit program within the framework of this plan
* Independent auditors visit business sites and conduct on-site inspections
* Reporting of nonconformities detected in audits
* Planning and implementation of corrective and preventive actions to close nonconformities
* Issuing ISO 50001 Certificate to companies that meet certification requirements
Aşan Danışmanlık provides the training and consultancy services that companies need in all of these steps. For more detailed information, you can always contact Aşan Danışmanlık.
Benefits of ISO 50001 Certificate
Some of the advantages that certificate holder organizations will gain are as follows:
* Accurate measurement and reporting of the amount of energy used thanks to the Energy Management System
* Establishing the necessary plans, policies and strategies for an accurate, consistent and transparent energy management
* Reducing energy use and increasing energy efficiency within the organization
* Easy compliance with many laws and regulations aiming environmental sustainability thanks to the ISO 50001 Energy Management System
* Reducing carbon footprint
* Supporting corporate social responsibility and sustainability policies
* Gaining privileges in public and private sector tenders
* Easier to benefit from government incentives
* Being able to make a difference in the market and differentiate from competitors
* More effective management of corporate reputation and brand prestige