You can get quality certification services in the fastest way from our company, which continues its work in line with technological developments.
Quality certification helps the safe use of all kinds of products all over the world. You can always contact our company for this type of document, which has an extremely important place. Our professional team, who are experts in their work and have received special training, serves with great care in such certification processes, which are required for all kinds of products.
It is always possible to reach the most accurate information from our company on quality certificates, which have a very important place in the world market and are always given priority. You can visit our company, which always maintains its difference in its field with its reliability, on all matters you are curious about. Our friendly team will provide you with the most accurate information and will ensure that you get the most accurate document after detailed examinations.
Offering the best prices for all ISO documents you need in Turkey, Aşan Danışmanlık can also provide you with Ce certificates in your fabric manufacturing. For more, you can get instant information from our live support line or whatsapp line.
What is Quality Certificate?
In general, the documents showing that a product or service is presented to the relevant parties in accordance with certain standards are called quality certificates. National or international standards or some legal regulations may define the features that a product or service should have in terms of technical, health, safety and so on. Companies that have quality certificates on this subject offer their customers that the product, service or process is at the desired quality level. In today´s world, where the competition between businesses is increasing day by day, companies pay attention to continue their work on the quality certificates demanded by the market.
Thus, it is possible to retain customers and gain new customers. In addition to these, increasing the competitive power in the market provides many gains in financial terms. You can get help from our company for the kinds of quality certificates required for all product or service companies in the market. Among the document types with many different features, the document processes required for your company or brand are carefully carried out by our professional team in our company. It is much more important for our company that our customers are satisfied and trustworthy.
Many details have been provided for you on the Aşan Danışmanlık corporate website, never hesitate to call us for any questions you may have after reviewing these details, documents and services on our website.The quality certificate shows that a product or service is presented to the relevant parties in accordance with certain standards. National or international standards or some legal regulations may define the characteristics that a product or service (in some cases, processes) should have in terms of technical, health, environment, safety, etc. Companies that have quality certificates on this subject declare to their customers that the product, service or process in question is offered at the desired quality level. In today´s world, where the competition between businesses is increasing day by day, companies pay attention to maintain their activities within the framework of the quality certificates demanded by the market. In this way, they can retain their customers and gain new customers. At the same time, it can increase its competitive power in the market; can achieve many financial gains.
What is Quality?
The concept of quality refers to all the procedures required to ensure organizations perform for their stakeholders, from improving products, services, systems and processes to ensuring that the entire organization is appropriate and effective. To manage quality is to pursue excellence in activities. In their quality policies, organizations aim not only to make their activities suitable for their purpose, but also to continuously improve. Quality is not just about providing perfect products and services. This objective is only part of the official framework; institutions should aim to create a corporate culture with quality management and quality certificates.
An acceptable level of quality for organizations is always demanded by stakeholders. At this point, stakeholders are not only customers or suppliers; It is worth noting that the institution is all real and legal persons with whom it has official, unofficial, commercial, social, etc. relations. Customers will be the most important stakeholder group for the majority of businesses, but investors, employees, suppliers and members of our wider society are also stakeholders. Achieving an acceptable level of quality within the organization is an indispensable requirement to know who the stakeholders are, both now and in the future, to understand what their needs are and to achieve corporate sustainability by meeting these needs.
Quality is a very broad concept. It may come up with different requirements in different subjects. We can list some of them as follows:
Suitability for use/purpose: The use of a product, service or process as intended indicates its quality.
Compliance with requirements: The ability of the material/component to perform satisfactorily in the application intended by the user. Therefore, the quality of a product means conformity to the customer´s requirements. This is more of a manufacturing-based definition.
Grade: The product´s appearance, performance, life, reliability, taste, sustainability, etc. It is a distinctive feature or degree of Such criteria are often referred to as quality characteristics.
Degree of excellence: A measure of the degree of excellence at an affordable price and control of variability at an affordable cost. This is usually a value-based definition.
Preference degree: The degree to which a particular product is preferred over competing products of similar degree. Benchmark testing supported by customers is normally referred to as customer preference.
The measure of fulfillment of promises: The quality of a product can be a measure of the fulfillment of warranties to buyers/users.
Quality requirements are a measurable concept, regardless of the product, service, process or sector. An element whose quality level is measured is certified with a quality certificate and presented to its stakeholders.
What is Quality Certificate?
The products or services offered by quality certificate organizations; It shows that it complies with certain standards published by national or international authorities or sector organizations. In addition, companies establish a quality management system within themselves and obtain a quality certificate to show that they aim to continuously meet and improve customer satisfaction. This document, which is generally seen as ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate, can also be a sector-based quality certificate such as AS9100 (aviation), ISO 13485 (medical devices), ISO/TS 16949 (automotive).
Quality certificate can be given for many different products and services. In this context, since the criteria such as safety, quality, health, environment, sustainability, etc. required for the product and service differ, each quality certificate is issued for a different purpose. In order to issue quality certificates, it may be necessary to carry out studies such as different tests, analysis, verification, inspection, etc. While some quality certificates may be a direct declaration of the products, for others, third-party independent accredited certification bodies may be needed.