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Within the scope of the work we carry out with our experts, we answer in detail all the questions you may have about the LFGB test certificate. Our experts are the most experienced and knowledgeable people in the industry and help more and more of our customers every day. We come to the rescue of companies, especially those in the food industry, and help them obtain the necessary documents. In this way, we contribute to them always being ahead in the fight against their competitors in the sector.

You can get immediate service from Aşan Consultancy, which works with many test and control laboratories. For information and other questions, you can reach us through our contact number, whatsapp line and other contact channels.

LFGB testing, also known as food contact testing, is related to the products and containers in which food comes into contact. As you can guess, it is the measurement of its effect on food as soon as it comes into contact with it. It aims to determine whether it releases any harmful substances into the food or whether it spoils its taste. In this way, it is aimed to realize the necessary safety measures for food health.
We have observed that studies on the food sector have increased in recent years. A number of standards and legal conditions have emerged to ensure that all components in this field are in the most suitable state for human health. All companies in the sector are affected by this situation and have to fulfill their responsibilities. More importance is given to issues that are advantageous to the company, such as having an advantage in the competitive environment and giving confidence by showing sensitivity about human health. All companies that intend to institutionalize and take part in the sector have sought certification by providing such standards. At this point, we can say that the number of people coming to our company and requesting consultancy services for the relevant standards is increasing rapidly. As Aşan Danışmanlık, we have provided you with detailed information about LFGB. You can find the information you need from the article below. For any questions you may have regarding the LFGB certificate, you can get information from our expert staff and learn the details.

The Importance of LFGB Testing and Certification

People in the globalization phase do not stay around the country they live in and sell products both to their surroundings and in local markets. With the development of the economy, technological developments, the increase in our needs and the increase in people´s demands, new products and differences are becoming important, and most products are easily available in every country. In order to examine and protect the quality of their products, each country has established special structures and set certain standards. Since our world is open to innovation, everyone has become a matter of curiosity and wanted to try everything, starting from the food of the countries. LFGB is a certification established to control the chemical harmfulness of food products. It is a German standard issued by the Germans because food products, food packaging, kitchen utensils, and household appliances have a high risk of transferring the harmful effects of these products to food. It is symbolized by the “knife and fork” logo, which represents food safety. The most important purpose of the LFGB certificate is to ensure that the products produced provide quality products and services in line with the standards and that these products are delivered correctly. LFGB is an important legal document in the field of food hygiene in Germany. Therefore, there are many underlying advantages and associated disadvantages. As a result, these virtues and vices create a huge impact at almost all levels within the organization.

This standard, issued by the Germans in September 2005, is also known as the law on daily needs, tobacco products, food, cosmetics and other daily needs. LFGB is a German standard. LFGB is a standard issued especially for products where harmful chemicals that are closely linked to food, such as food products, come into contact with food and pass into food. The most important aim of LFGB is to ensure that businesses provide safe quality products that meet the determined standards, provide the right services and are delivered to the society in the right way.


LFGB Test, LFGB CertificateThe knife and fork logo is the symbol indicating food safety. Products that come into contact with food in our daily lives, if there is the logo shown above, it means that the product has been tested within the framework of many German and European standards and complies with the standards and legal requirements. Germany LFGB certification requires that products in contact with food do not contain substances that may be harmful to the body in Germany and other European and American markets. The certificate is issued accordingly. In the European market, products with fork logos can increase customer confidence and purchase desire, which is a powerful marketing tool that significantly increases product competitiveness in the market.

LFGB Testing Requirements

Before the LFGB certificate is issued, the content of the tests to be carried out for which product, which tests should be applied to which products, and what should be done are explained below.
General plastic products: Usually require full migration and sensory testing.

PVC plastic products: Requires comprehensive migration testing, sensory testing, vinyl chloride monomer testing and peroxide value testing.

PE plastic products: It also requires sensory testing, comprehensive migration test and peroxide value test. Apart from these, chromium content test, zirconium content test and vanadium content test.

PP plastic products: Comprehensive migration test, zirconium content test, chromium content test, vanadium content test, sense test are required for PP plastic products.

PS, ABS, SAN, Acrylic plastic products: Apart from sensory testing, total migration test and organic volatile total, these products require peroxide value test (VOM).

PA, PU plastic products: Comprehensive migration testing, sensory testing and peroxide value testing are common. Additionally, aromatic amine migration testing is performed.

PET plastic products: Comprehensive migration test, peroxide value test, zinc content test, lead content test are usually performed on pet plastic products.

Silicone rubber products: Comprehensive migration test, organic volatile content, sensory test, peroxide value test, organic tin compound test are required to verify LFGB certification on silicone rubber products.

Paper products: Five chlorine phenol test, hg heavy metals (lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent) release amount, formaldehyde content test, antibacterial composition migration test are required for paper product. Additionally, azo dye testing is performed on colored paper products.

Non-stick coating products: Sensory tests, comprehensive migration test and different solubility tests such as phenol test, formaldehyde test, aromatic amine test, hexavalent chromium (Vl) test.

Metal, alloy and galvanic products: Heavy metal dissolution [such as lead, nickel, cadmium, chromium] test with sensory testing.

Baking paper products: Appearance, antibacterial composition migration test, thermal stability, sensory test, polychlorinated biphenyl test and formaldehyde dissolution test are essential baking paper products.

Wood products: Wood products require pentachlorophenol testing and sensory testing.

Ceramics, glass and enamel products: The lead-cadmium dissolution content has generally been tested in contact with food.

As Aşan Danışmanlık, we provide you with the LFGB certificate. You can reach our expert staff and get detailed information for all the questions you have in mind.

  It is a fact that today, as consumers, we are more careful and sensitive, especially when it comes to food, and this is becoming increasingly common. Based on this situation, we see that the approaches of relevant companies in the food industry have also changed. Various standards have emerged based on every aspect taken into consideration in terms of health. Thus, many standards have been determined that measure the suitability of foods for human health and safety. One of these, the LFGB test, checks the health suitability of each product that comes into contact with food, such as plates, forks, spoons, containers and boxes. For the products tested, it is revealed whether they negatively affect the food in any way (taste, odor, appearance, etc.).

You can get support from our consultants. You can reach Aşan Danışmanlık customer representatives at any time of the day via the live support line on its website.

Companies that receive the LFGB test certificate ensure that their products are suitable for food health. It increases its preferability by giving confidence to its customers and consumers. Thus, it achieves commercial growth by gaining an advantageous position against its competitors in the market. In this regard, you can start the relevant process quickly by setting out with the help of our experts in our company. Throughout the process, the LFGB test to be applied varies depending on the type and variety of products. For example, while the test to be applied for PVC plastic products is different, the test to be applied to paper products will be different. For this reason, it is very important to get information from our company about what tests will be done for the products in your company.

LFGB Test Prices

Our certification team, consisting of the most experienced and knowledgeable consultants in the industry, provides the necessary assistance and convenience to you, our valued company owners, who contact us and request an LFBG certificate. After you first contact us for informational purposes, you will be provided with detailed information about the relevant certification process. The steps to be taken regarding the process are determined and the necessary tests are started. Then, the reports are examined and any problems are requested to be resolved. After a final check, the process is completed and you are entitled to receive the LFGB test document you need.

For affordable prices and offers, it will be enough to contact Aşan Danışmanlık. Wherever you are, our teams will provide you with professional service.