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National Data Bank (UBB) Registration

National Data Bank (UBB) Registry

National Data Bank Record (UBB Record) It is an official medical device, drug tracking record, which is used to follow the commercial processes of the drugs approved by the Ministry of Health in Turkey. Many steps such as ordering drugs and medical devices, shipping, storing, ordering patients are tracked with the help of these records. The National Data Bank system is a joint project implemented by the TR Ministry of Health, the TR Ministry of Finance, the TR Ministry of Labor and Social Security and Hacettepe University Hospitals.

Thanks to this established electronic system, the work of the sector stakeholders who are a party to the drug and medical device trade becomes easier. Unnecessary expenses are eliminated, time loss is prevented. In addition, many mistakes caused by carelessness and inexperience are prevented by this system in electronic environment. It provides more accurate results in the commercial activities of many institutions, from pharmaceutical companies to medical device vendors, especially government institutions.

How to Register in the National Data Bank?

National Data Bank Registration generally consists of two steps. The National Data Bank Record creates the first data entered into the system to ensure the electronic monitoring of the mentioned medical devices and drugs.

In order for the products to be registered in the UBB database, SGK and other product approvals must be completed first and the "CE" and Certificate of Conformity must be approved for the product to be registered.

First, the company´s National Data Bank Record is created. Then, a National Data Bank Record is created for the products to be processed through the existing company record. It is not possible to use products classified as medical devices for purchase and sale and other commercial transactions without being registered in the National Data Bank database.

For What Purpose Is UBB – National Data Bank Used?

National Data Bank records are used to ensure that drugs and medical devices that directly concern human health and have commercial value are used and sold in accordance with their purpose. Thanks to these records, all parties related to drugs and medical devices can access commercial process information about the material they buy, sell, store or use. The availability of such data in the electronic environment contributes to the safe realization of opportunities such as e-commerce in the following processes. In its current form, the National Data Bank Registry prepares the appropriate technical ground for the drug and medical device trade to be carried out electronically in the future.

The foundation has been laid for the transition to a structure known as Master Data Alignment with the National Data Bank system. In this system; It is ensured that all parties involved in the trade of drugs and medical devices conduct all stages of the supply chain on the same data. In other words, data is stored synchronously. Product records, prices, promotions, storage & shipping place(s) and many other detailed information in the trade of the product can be managed accurately and simultaneously on this system.

At this point, SGK reimbursements cannot be made for products that do not have a National Data Bank Registration. (For products paid by SGK). Likewise, the purchase of unregistered products by government agencies is out of the question. Because the bylaws and regulations of the Ministry of Health and other relevant government agencies prohibit the purchase of products that are not registered with the National Data Bank.

UBB - National Data Bank Record Inquiry

It is possible to make inquiries over the internet for medical devices and drugs processed in the National Data Bank (UBB) database.

Inquiries can be made at titubb.titck.gov.tr, which is the official web address of the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices National Data Bank.

Information Required for National Knowledge Base Record Inquiry

• Company name
• (Barcode) Global Item No.
• Product Class
• Document number
• Transaction date
• Manufacturer Company
• Label Name
• Product Reference No.
• Brand name
• Transaction Tracking Number
• GMDN Code
• Country of Manufacturer Company

In addition to the information above, you can access precise and accurate query results by following the directions given in the form regarding the specific features of the medical device. Queries made through this system reflect the current results.

Benefits of National Knowledge Base Records

It is a tool that makes it easier for supplier companies to reach product specifications in an accurate, up-to-date and fast manner while informing buyers (customers). Considering the benefits it provides, it is a very low cost system. Before the UBB System was implemented, companies had to carry out different activities with large budgets just to be able to provide such information.

Although these expenses of the companies do not disappear completely, there is a great saving thanks to UBB. Invoicing of products, places where they are sent, etc., especially in manual registration and accounting works. Humanitarian education about the people can grow. However, it does not create such a problem electronically, it is calculated quickly and accurately and this type is passed through. In this section, it is reviewed in general terms, earning in money making is reviewed. Expenses incurred from recovered causes are obtained in much more lucrative and faster ways than from a loan.

In addition, refunds will be prevented from UBB records for products that are no longer transferred to the system. Only an unconditional sufficient for TITU BB registration reimbursement will occur. This, in turn, stands out as a trip to choose from among the National Data Bank´s primaries.

At this rate, my health system, which is used in the standards of the National Data Bank Registry, belongs to the world´s electronic, management, registry and user owners.