As Aşan Certification and Consultancy, all management systems required to institutionalize your company (ISO 9001-ISO 14001-ISO 45001-ISO 10002 -CE- GMP- GHP- GDP- ISO 22000- ISO 27001- ISO 50001- ISO 31000- ISO 28000- ISO 20000- ISO 15593- ISO 18788- ISO 22301 etc.) We provide Certification and Consultancy Services.
You can reach all the information and services you are wondering about Occupational Health and Safety Consultancy service through Aşan Danışmanlık. According to the law numbered 6331, employers must ensure the health & safety of their employees. All of the employers who are liable for this are obliged to carry out studies in the company "to prevent occupational risks, to take all kinds of measures, including training and information, to organize, to provide the necessary tools and equipment, to adapt health and safety measures to changing conditions and to improve the current situation. (Item 4)" At the same time, employers must carry out risk assessments or have it done by companies that are professionals in this field, such as Aşan Danışmanlık. Emergency plans should be prepared for all businesses related to many situations such as prevention, protection, what to do in case of fire, etc.
Personnel disability after work accidents, fatal accidents have increased recently, and this service has been expanded to provide prevention and raise awareness despite these situations. We provide occupational health and safety services all over Turkey with our experts. Within the scope of this consultancy, which aims to examine all conditions that may harm human health and protect them according to the company´s activities, it investigates the conditions that may be encountered during the activities of the enterprise, which may be harmful to the personnel or human health due to some different reasons, and necessary steps are taken to protect them.
In general, you can access some frequently asked questions about Occupational Health and Safety on our website. However, we want you to read this content first and then reach out to our experts for all questions without hesitation.
Occupational Health and Safety Consultancy
The large-scale occupational accidents that have taken place in the recent period remind once again the fact that occupational safety and health is an important issue. Unfortunately, death or serious injuries can occur as a result of work accidents. Despite this, it has not yet been able to raise awareness in the society about occupational health and safety. Workplaces need to take action more seriously and in a more planned manner.
It can be said that this concept, which appears in the form of OHS, is an application focused on protecting employees. OHS, which is among the sine qua non of corporate principles today, must find a place for itself in its wide-ranging form. Today, the law or various regulations also support this important initiative. Institutions that do not take the necessary actions on occupational health and safety in a timely manner can see the negative consequences of this in material and moral terms.
About Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational safety and health basically refers to all kinds of measures taken to ensure the safety of employees and to support them to work in healthy or safe conditions. Although the human burden is reduced with the developing technology, occupational health and safety consultancy is an issue that should not be overlooked. All kinds of precautions and precautions taken in this area protect the personnel working in the workplace from various dangers and possible accidents. All kinds of actions and methods applied in order to provide a safe and peaceful working environment are evaluated within the scope of occupational health and safety.
Most Accidents Are Preventable
Studies conducted today show the fact that about 98% of occupational accidents are preventable. Of course, these measures need to be carried out in a specific organization, with a specific team. It is important that workplaces treat OHS as a separate department. This is even more evident in businesses where hundreds of employees are united under the same roof.
All this teamwork is called risk assessment work. Thanks to occupational health and safety consultancy, it is possible to carry out all these processes in a professional framework. In this context, it will be sufficient to contact us in order to benefit from the professional staff of Aşan Danışmanlık. Aşan Danışmanlık will provide you with the necessary support on OHS and ensure that the necessary arrangements are made.
In the IGS process, the training of personnel is also a very important point. According to the regulation, informing the personnel by expert trainers and creating a comprehensive training program will create productive results. It should be noted that this is a legal obligation. This detail is clearly included in the Education Regulation. Especially in jobs where the potential for danger is very high. Such training can be literally life-saving.
As Aşan Consulting, we follow the entire process within the company related to occupational safety and health and simultaneously take the necessary steps to prevent all conditions that may be harmful to human health due to the products you produce. We work with our experts and prepare all plans in order to prevent damages and accidents that may be encountered during production or service. For a safe work environment, our officials will provide your staff with the necessary training and you will have a conscious staff. To mention some of the duties of the occupational safety experts working at Aşan Danışmanlık; Guidance and consultancy, Risk assessment, Work environment surveillance, Occupational health and safety training, Collaboration with relevant units.
Administrative Fines Possible
The most key point in the occupational health and safety process is considered to be the comprehensive information of individuals. At this point, it is necessary to draw attention to companies located in large industrial zones. Companies need to come together with safety and occupational health experts. The physical conditions or environmental conditions at the workplace also reveal another dimension of OHS.
In particular, employers have very serious duties in terms of preventing the diseases that the personnel are exposed to during the work. As it is known, some diseases are classified as occupational diseases and only people who are engaged in that job are exposed to these diseases. Presence of workplace physicians, health personnel and occupational safety experts are among the necessary precautions in this sense.
Businesses that fail to fulfill their responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety are faced with a fine according to the occupational health and safety regulation numbered 6331. Working with professionals maximizes occupational safety and health. With the professional consultancy we provide to businesses at this point, we minimize the errors and risks that may occur. We create the necessary measures to eliminate injuries, accidents, deaths and health problems caused by human error.
What are we doing?
Aşan Consulting, within the scope of occupational safety and health consultancy, provides support on topics such as analyzing compliance with legal requirements, supplying workplace medicine and occupational safety specialist, performing compliance audits, risk analysis, risk reporting, process-oriented trainings and practices.
On the other hand, it ensures the establishment of the OHS committee, prepares the emergency plans, and allows the necessary trainings to be given to the managers and personnel. It performs extensive exercises thanks to various applications. As a result, it performs certain periodic controls within the scope of occupational health and safety consultancy.
Within the scope of consultancy activities, you can get offers for this service offered by our company and for all other services on our site. With the developing technology and industry in recent years, many new fields of activity have been opened to companies. In order for companies to be more efficient while producing or providing services, they should receive OHS consultancy services. It is necessary to take adequate measures and to ensure the health and safety of the personnel working through these measures. All threats that may be encountered for personnel or for the business must be known and eliminated in advance.
Occupational Health and Safety Consultancy Service Scope
Experienced personnel are assigned primarily for your business regarding occupational health and safety, which is among the most requested consultancy services offered by Aşan Consulting. In this field, we assign A-B-C class occupational safety experts related to occupational safety services and offer services for occupational physicians. With the determination of all the details required for the company, other health personnel will be assigned by Aşan Danışmanlık and a preliminary evaluation of your business will be made.
After these evaluations, the risk assessments of the enterprises will be determined, emergency plans will be prepared and the first stage institution will be created to complete the OHS installations. We will prepare all the documents that your company will need and present them to you within the scope of our consultancy service. Occupational health and safety is very important. With the consultancy we will provide in this field, trainings will be given to you and your staff. After the trainings, which will be completed in a short time, necessary exercises are carried out and reports are submitted to the company´s top officials.
As with all the services you will receive from Aşan Danışmanlık, all of the services you will receive in this field will be provided by our authorized and certified personnel.
Making, Implementing and Reporting Periodic Inspection Plans, making necessary measurements related to OHS, making periodic controls