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Pellet Fuel Certification

Do you need the support of an expert in the pellet fuel certification process? Then, you can meet our experienced team, who will meticulously plan and implement the most appropriate steps for your company, and effectively meet your needs in this field. You can access all the information about Turkey Pellet Export Documents on our page and learn how to handle your export transactions in the easiest way from our company.

There are many companies that produce pellets in our country. As Aşan Danışmanlık, we support the manufacturers of Pellet Fuels. For your export, you can contact us on our WhatsApp number on our website and get support.

What is the Use of Pellet Fuel Certification?

If you are manufacturing pellet fuel, you need this document to deliver your products abroad. In order for your export process to go smoothly, your documents must be complete, complete and error-free.

Our consultants, who have full knowledge of this process, provide a qualified service in obtaining the required documents.
If biofuel product pellets obtained from compressed organic materials, agricultural wastes, food and energy product wastes are included in your product portfolio, you can obtain the document required to open up to the foreign market through our company.

To expand pellet production, which is an alternative solution to the problems caused by coal and oil; In order to continue your activities in this field smoothly, you can contact us as a Pellet Fuel Certification company.

Thus, by obtaining the document you need, you can both expand your customer network and sales volume and enable more people to benefit from the advantages of pellet fuel use. For example; Supporting sustainable living, contributing to the country´s economy, supporting electrical energy production, reducing the need for logging and fossil fuel imports, and reducing foreign dependency are some of these.

As Aşan Danışmanlık, we are at your service in Turkey. We are at your service to provide all the documents that the workshops in our country will need. You can contact our company, which has expert consultants, for ISO documents and other documents.

You too; You can obtain these benefits of pellet fuel production and export for both your company and society by contacting us and using the Pellet Fuel Certification service. In this way, while you can add profitability to your company´s profitability, you can also make a significant contribution to preventing the energy crisis, environmental pollution and global warming.

In addition to all these, contact Aşan Danışmanlık for certification services. Access informative content on our website now.
By calling our company, which provides the necessary support to our country´s pellet producers and allows their documents to be completed completely, you can be among the lucky companies that benefit from these services.Companies producing pellets must have certain certificates in order to export. In addition to certificates such as CE Certificate, EN Plus Certificate, Hygiene Certificate, etc., some ISO certificates such as quality, energy, environment, occupational health and safety are required for pellet export. Companies producing pellets must also obtain a Trademark Registration Certificate; In addition, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) report should be prepared for the pellet produced. These documents are requested from companies that want to export pellets at stages such as production, sales, export, transportation, storage, etc. The export process of companies that have completed their pellet fuel certification process is much easier and faster. Aşan Danışmanlık provides quality and reliable consultancy services to companies in obtaining all the documents required for pellet export.

What is Pellet?

Pellet, a type of biofuel, is obtained from compressed organic materials or biomass. It can be produced from food waste, agricultural residues, energy products and untreated timber, etc. The most common type of pellets is wood pellets, and they are usually made from compressed sawdust or industrial waste from timber milling, wood products and furniture manufacturing. In addition, fruit clusters, palm kernel shells, coconut shells and tree branches discarded during afforestation are also used in pellet production.

Pellets can be used for heating purposes in areas such as residences, workplaces and industrial facilities all over the world. In addition, pellets are also used in industrial processes and energy production. Because it is cheaper than fossil fuels and its environmental emissions are very low, pellet fuel is preferred in many areas today. In order to meet the pellet demand, many public and private sector organizations also produce pellets and sell their pellet products abroad. In order for this process to be carried out quickly, easily and most importantly, in accordance with the regulations, some official documents are requested from the companies. Pellet export is not allowed without documents such as CE Certificate, ISO Certificate, EN Plus Certificate, Hygiene Certificate, Brand Registration Certificate, MSDS Report etc. For more detailed information on this subject, you can contact Aşan Danışmanlık.

Properties of Pellets

Companies that will export pellets are required to verify the quality characteristics of their products according to the "TS EN ISO 17255-2 - Solid biofuels - Fuel properties and classes - Part 2: Classified wood pellets" standard. This standard specifies the fuel quality classes and characteristics of wood pellets rated for non-industrial and industrial use. Manufacturers are required to obtain a pellet inspection and test report from the Turkish Standards Institute or other accredited certification bodies. In this review, the purpose of the pellet´s use, especially its class, source and origin etc. are analyzed. The report includes parameters such as diameter and length of the pellet, moisture value, additives, mechanical strength, etc. You can find detailed information on how to get this report, which is required for pellet export, on Aşan Danışmanlık.

Documents Required for Pellet Export

We can summarize the documents that the pellet producing companies must obtain in order to export their products as follows:

CE Certificate: The product has been produced in accordance with the relevant regulations; verifies that it meets the minimum environmental, health and safety criteria.

ISO Certificates: Other ISO documents depending on the type of pellet, especially TS EN ISO 17255-2, can be requested from the companies during the export process. Organizations are required to obtain ISO Certificate on issues such as quality, health, hygiene, occupational health and safety.

EN Plus Certificate: The entire supply chain of pellets is analyzed within the framework of the program developed by the European Pellet Council (EPC) to test and verify the quality of wood pellets. Organizations that have received the EN Plus Certificate for pellet export gain an advantage over their competitors in exports and gain convenience in export procedures.

MSDS Document: It explains in detail the content of pellet products to be exported and contains safety information regarding procedures such as transportation, packaging, handling, transportation, use, disposal etc. for these products. It also specifies the potential hazards that pellets may cause and the precautions to be taken against these hazards.

Trademark Registration Certificate: Companies exporting pellets must register their trademarks through the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in order to legally protect their brands. For more detailed information about this process, you can contact Aşan Danışmanlık.The professional support we offer to all companies that produce pellets and wish to export covers every stage of the process from A to Z. In this regard, the path followed by our company generally consists of the following steps:

1. First, you obtain information about your business, your products and the import procedures of the country you will export to; We complete the preliminary preparation phase with research, evaluation and analysis.
2. After this, we inform you what conditions you need to meet and which documents you need to submit for Pellet Fuel Certification, and we help you to fulfill these conditions and prepare the documents. (For example; Hygiene Certificate, EN PLUS Certificate, ISO documents, CE Certificate, MSDS Report, etc.)
3. As an authorized and accredited company in this field, we carry out on-site inspections in your production facilities, take samples and send them to laboratories and carry out the relevant tests completely.
4. After the inspection is completed, we prepare the inspection report.
5. We manage the process carefully and diligently, paying attention to all the details, and ensure that you obtain this document that your company needs without any difficulty or loss of time. While doing this, we take into account all legal procedures, permits and requirements that appeal to you, especially customs regulations, and bring together all the services you need for trouble-free export activities.
6. If the report is positive, we share it with the European Pellet Council and complete the certification process on behalf of your company by creating an ENplus ID.

You too; You can contact us to obtain a Pellet Fuel Certificate and get more detailed information and a suitable price offer specifically for you.

If you need an internationally known, recognized and accepted reliability certificate for the export of pellet fuels, you can register the quality and compliance of your products with our company. In this way, you can easily export the products produced by your facility to Europe and increase your company´s preference rate and sales volume many times over.

For more, you can contact us through our Aşan Danışmanlık INSTAGRAM account.