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PSCI - Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative

PSCI - Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative
1. What does PSCI mean?

The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) is a non-profit membership organization formed by a group of large pharmaceutical companies that share a vision of better social, economic and environmental outcomes for everyone involved in this industry. Contact us directly or reach out to a PSCI member company to get started.

2. What is the PSCI audit program?

The PSCI audit program is a unique opportunity for suppliers to demonstrate compliance with pharmaceutical industry sustainability standards. PSCI principles are an increasingly important criterion for ing suppliers

3. What are the PSCI principles?

The PSCI audit program is designed to evaluate a supplier´s performance against PSCI principles, international standards and agreements, and local regulatory requirements in the areas of ethics, labour, health and safety, environmental protection and management systems. The PSCI principles are in line with industry expectations and apply to all suppliers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare supply chain in both developed and developing countries.

4. What does a PSCI audit involve?

Central project management and local scheduling of audits with customers and suppliers are focused under the initiative. The audit process consists of three stages: pre-audit, on-site audit and post-audit. For PSCI members, audit status monitoring is an essential part of a transparent and holistic reporting process. Periodically posted watchlists provide clients with a better overview and more efficient control of the audit process. In addition, periodic status calls provide close and clear communication between the client and global project management.

In the pharmaceutical industry, PSCI principles are increasingly recognized as the social and ethical standard for supply chain management. Proving compliance with these five principles governing ethics, working conditions, health and safety, environmental protection and management systems can strengthen your company´s position in this area.

Auditing is based on the 5 PSCI principles.

In an industry where health, safety and environmental concerns dictate the future, passing a PSCI audit is a clear signal to your business partners that your company prioritizes responsible practices and effective supply chain management. Our audit services give you access to qualified, experienced audit teams worldwide and provide transparency in the audit process. It is a proven way to build trust among organizations active in the pharmaceutical industry and allows your company to communicate the values ??it stands for.

There are also internal benefits. A PSCI audit identifies tangible risks throughout the supply chain and can identify and prioritize areas for improvement. It can lead to better awareness of both international and local regulations and industry expectations. By proving that you meet PSCI standards, you qualify to become a supplier to the industry, and Pharma Supply Chain Initiative members rely on the PSCI supplier database to find reliable partners.

PSCI Audit Program

There is a 3-stage audit process that starts with the pre-audit stage, continues with the on-site audit and ends with the post-audit stage. For major audit programs, condition monitoring is part of our transparent, holistic reporting process. It includes:

   1- Periodically updated watchlists for a clear overview and efficient control of the audit process.

    2- Periodic status calls to ensure close communication between clients and our global project management.