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SEC-G Document

The HSSE certificate given by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has a very important place in health, environment, safety and security. You can apply for this document, which is needed for people working in jobs in the high danger class to work in healthy conditions, through our company, which we serve as consultancy.

In order to prevent occupational diseases of people working in LPG and fuel stations and to eliminate possible work accidents, companies regulate the necessary work and safety policies based on this document. Thus, it is possible to prepare a permanent and healthy environment in the workplaces with the HSSE certificate for people working in occupational groups that pose a high level of danger.

Aşan Danışmanlık offers you the most suitable options for this document you need.

What is HSSE Document?

HSE-G document is a document prepared within the scope of ISO 9001 Quality Management System, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems. As an internationally valid document, the HSE-S document takes high security measures for employees.

Occupational branches that are obliged to have HSSE certificates; It is divided into sub-branches as fuel companies and contracting subcontractors. Since people working in the mentioned occupational groups are at high risk, higher care should be taken compared to other occupational groups.

HSSE document scope; management responsibility, maintenance activities, emergency management, training and behavior, accident prevention, information and documentation. The explanations under these headings cover all the necessary qualifications for people working at high risk to work in a reliable work environment.

Continuing its activities with Turkey´s leading trainers and consultants, Aşan Danışmanlık is as close to you as 1 phone, you can get information from us instantly by calling our number on our site.

HSE-S Certificate is a document that companies operating in the fuel sector should obtain. It shows that the health, safety, environment and security (HSSE-S) systems work in accordance with the standards and in harmony with each other. Since fuel processes are very dangerous and potentially harmful to the environment, companies in the sector should give priority to health, safety, environment and security. HSSE is the most important indicator that companies care about these issues and comply with the necessary rules. HSE-S Certificate covers ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 45001 / OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems. Companies that actively implement, verify and certify these standards can apply for the HSE-S Certificate.

Where to Get HSSE Document?

In order to have an HSSE certificate, it is necessary to have a few documents prepared in ISO standards. After you have the documents issued in areas such as Quality Management System, Environmental Management Systems and Occupational Health and Safety, you can apply for an HSE-S document to our company.

While applying to our company, which has been serving in the field of consultancy for a long time, we want you to send us all the necessary documents online. Among these documents, there are also documents containing other management and security systems prepared in ISO standards. After transferring the documentation of these documents to us online, we control them and make the necessary improvements.

What are the HSSE Document Application Conditions?

You can contact our company for the HSE-G document application, which is a mandatory document for employers in high hazard class. Employers who are required to obtain a document have some documents to be prepared when applying for this document. The documents that companies should have when applying for an HSSE document are listed as follows:

• Tax plate
• Activity documents
• Situational analyzes
• OHS compliance document
• Trade registry gazette
• SSI accrual documents
• HSSE personnel training
• Search and online audits
• Report documents

Together with these documents, you can apply to our company for the HSSE document. After your applications are evaluated by us and necessary improvements are made, your application is approved.

With Aşan Danışmanlık, all documents are provided in a short time by making the right inspections on site.

What is the Importance of the HSSE Document?

The HSSE document documentation that companies must have in order to ensure their corporate sustainability is of great importance. Fuel and contracting subcontractors ensure that their employees work in a safe environment with this document.

With this document, employers and all employees eliminate risks that may endanger human health. This document, which ensures that administrative processes are accountable, helps products and services to be more reliable.

This document, which proves compliance with international standards, ensures more efficient use of natural resources. You can benefit from the consultancy services of our company for the HSE-G document, which is of great importance for corporate sustainability, and you can get detailed information about our prices by contacting us.

For more, you can use the Aşan Consulting Live Support line on our site or you can reach us from our Instagram account.