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SLCP Audit

What is SLCP?

SLCP (Social and Workforce Compliance Program) is a supplier audit approach developed for the footwear and apparel industry. It is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to eliminate supply chain audit fatigue in the global apparel and footwear industry. SLCP (Social & Labor Convergence Program) provides quality and comparable datasets, tools and systems that can be used by all industry stakeholders regarding working conditions. These products and services increase transparency in supply chains and reduce the need for additional social/ethical audits. It also helps users use resources more efficiently and create better working conditions.

SLCP has brought together the stakeholders of the apparel and footwear industry in order to reduce the large budgets, long time and effort allocated for social compliance or ethics audits for suppliers and to create a systematic structure for this. The SLCP aims to use the resources spent on social controls to improve working conditions. SLCP enables manufacturers to create their own workforce and social data and develop collaborations with other industry stakeholders through this data.

Data verified through SLCP is established by international standards, employment contracts, laws and regulations, and supplier code of conduct. This enables manufacturers, importers, retailers and other stakeholders to make additions (scores, comments, etc.) to strengthen this data. It is possible to make comparisons between companies, countries and regions with the strong data that emerges.

What Are the Benefits of SLCP?

SLCP provides the following advantages to industry stakeholders with the tools and systems it has developed to increase the supply chain performance of enterprises:

* Provides an adequate, consistent, proven, logical and robust audit methodology to minimize time and money spent on social audits.
* With a comprehensive evaluation and audit approach, it creates all the data needed by the sector stakeholders with great care.
* Allows the obtained data to be compared with other sector, country and region information.
* Brands in the apparel and footwear industry can score this data in line with their supplier code of conduct. This is a result of the data and the flexibility of the SLCP system.
* Since the supplier data is verified by independent accredited audit institutions and auditors, there is no doubt about the reliability of the information.
* SLCP is a multi-stakeholder initiative; It includes world-famous brands, sectoral organizations, manufacturers and other parties. This makes SLCP a respected program.
* SLCP allows companies to control their data as they wish; the right to share and manage.

The stakeholders that make up the SLCP include manufacturers, standard-setting organizations, retailers, brands, industry organizations, governmental and intergovernmental observers, consultants, non-governmental organizations, agencies, etc. For more detailed information about SLCP, you can contact Aşan Danışmanlık.

SLCP Audit Process

The SLCP audit process begins with companies performing a self-assessment with the SLCP tool called the Unified Assessment Framework (CAF). With this data collection tool, each company can evaluate itself. Then, the verification phase of these data is passed. In order to check and verify the SLCP data, on-site inspections are carried out by going to the business sites. In these audits, the production processes, offices, factory and workshop environments and other areas of the companies are examined. Independent auditors prepare an audit report with the results they have obtained. In line with this report, a corrective & preventive action plan may be requested from the businesses to close the detected nonconformities and findings.

In the final stage, data is shared with other stakeholders in the industry with SLCP tools. SLCP has prepared common platforms for the fast, accurate and secure sharing of this data.
For more detailed information about the SLCP evaluation process, you can get support from Aşan Danışmanlık. Aşan Consulting will assist you in all aspects of SLCP.